Sisters: Marianne Russell (Pink with yellow throat) Marsha Russell a Hemorcallis President Cup winner in the 50's - cute little yellow. I also have Sammy Russell but he has not bloomed this year. This is the beginning of my Russell Daylily Garden. Thanks to Pop
You sure are a pretty flower....see you in 10 days!!!!
The new editor of the American Hemerocallis Society JOURNAL is desperately looking for a picture of the daylily 'Marsha Russell' for the issue that is about to go to press. If by any chance you would be willing to share your picture of 'Marsha Russell', could you contact her IMMEDIATELY? Her name is Meg McKenzie Ryan, valleywomenmagazine@adelphia.net
She has seen your picture, but there was no contact info. for you, aside from this.
Sharon Cusick
Cincinnati, OH
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