Sunday, April 27, 2008


This is a new picture of our garden. We are working really hard to keep out the weeds. Pop ran the tiller thru today and it looks great. We have one little bell pepper, eggplant pods and a lot of baby tomatoes.


A day of fishing in the little pond! Spence caught this big one all by himself. He was really proud and Pop was amazed!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

He can read!!

Max is doing a great job with his reading at school. The great thing is he really loves to read.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Pop and I came home one evening to find dozens of ducks on our little pond! It was beautiful and amazing!

More springtime....

Baby birds just waitng for Mama!

Ol Gran would have loved this. I have a wall of old birdhouses and they are full of baby birds...

Springtime at 5 Acre Farm.

The garden is beautiful with its old gate. Pop worked hard and it looks wonderful, now to keep the weeds out....
This little section is my version of a "three sisters garden" Corn, beans and squash planted in a mound together. The corn grows tall, the beans grow up the corn and the squash protect the corn from bugs. Keep you posted.....

Chickens, chickens and more chickens!

The boys all have a special chicken. Jakes chicken "Rainbow" is a very cute orange chicken with white tips on his wings. Max likes the brown and black chickens and Spence has claimed all the "lepard" chickens (black and white). I think we will give all the white chicks to Isaac, they seem to be growing the fastest. I do have one "mystery" chicken not sure if that is the one that looks a little like a rooster, time will tell. They are all really growing and hopefully the ladies will lay eggs in another couple of months.

Look no teeth!

Max lost his first tooth last month and since then is minus one more! Can not believe how much he has grown.

Safari in Virginia?

In March went to Virginia to visit Kasey,Marty and the boys, we had a great visit. Wild animals and all! It actually snowed while we were there... can you believe it...left Houston in tshirt and flip flops and snow in VA.

Check out Jakes Giraffe boots!

This camel ate our feed bucket but we had a great time at the park.